Guide To Managing Pododermatitis In Senior Dogs

Dog with swollen paw - Golden Years Paws

Ever wondered why your senior dog might be licking their paws excessively or why they’re so red and inflamed? Well, chances are, they could be dealing with pododermatitis. This is a fancy term for inflammation of the paw, and it can really make life tough for our four-legged friends, especially as they age. Let me … Read more

How Dog Shoes Transformed My Senior Dog’s Battle With Pododermatitis: A Personal Journey And Guide

Senior Dog with Pododermatitis - Golden Years Paws

I’m going to take you back a few years, to when my buddy Rio was just hitting his later years. You see, Rio is a Labrador with a zest for life, especially when it comes to walks. But around the age of 7 or 8, something started to change. I first noticed that his once … Read more

How To Treat Senior Dog Skin Allergies

Senior Dog itching - Golden Years Paws

You’re going to find out about skin allergies and how they can affect senior dogs like my Labrador Rio. As dogs get older, they may become more prone to skin issues. It’s not just about the discomfort; these allergies can significantly impact their quality of life. Common symptoms of skin allergies in senior dogs include … Read more