How Dog Shoes Transformed My Senior Dog’s Battle With Pododermatitis: A Personal Journey And Guide

Senior Dog with Pododermatitis - Golden Years Paws

I’m going to take you back a few years, to when my buddy Rio was just hitting his later years. You see, Rio is a Labrador with a zest for life, especially when it comes to walks. But around the age of 7 or 8, something started to change. I first noticed that his once … Read more

How To Treat Senior Dog Skin Allergies

Senior Dog itching - Golden Years Paws

You’re going to find out about skin allergies and how they can affect senior dogs like my Labrador Rio. As dogs get older, they may become more prone to skin issues. It’s not just about the discomfort; these allergies can significantly impact their quality of life. Common symptoms of skin allergies in senior dogs include … Read more

How To Keep Your Senior Dog Active

Senior Dog Swimming - Golden Years Paws

As our canine companions grow older, their needs change, just like ours do. Senior dogs require a special approach to maintain their health and happiness, and that includes keeping them active. However, age brings its share of challenges, such as diminished energy levels, joint problems, and health nuisances like allergies. These can’t be ignored when … Read more

Choosing The Right Bed For Your Senior Dog

A senior dog sleeping on a mattress - Golden Years Paws

As our beloved dogs enter their senior years, their needs change just like ours do. They may start to move a bit slower, take longer naps, and show signs that they’re in discomfort due to common age-related issues such as arthritis or hip dysplasia. This isn’t just about offering them a cozy spot to lay … Read more

Caring For A Senior Dog With Vision Loss

Senior dog playing with his owners in the park - Golden Years Paws

If you’ve noticed changes in your senior dog’s vision, you’re not alone. Vision loss is a common issue among aging canines, and it’s one that needs your attention and care. But this isn’t just about their eyesight; it’s also about ensuring their comfort and safety as they navigate this stage of life. Regular vet check-ups … Read more

Senior Dog Communication Strategies For Hearing Loss

Senior Dog Experiencing Hear Loss - Golden Years Paws

I’m going to share with you a common but often-overlooked issue that can affect our aging canine companions: hearing loss. It can creep in quietly, and before you know it, you may find your faithful friend less responsive to your call. It’s not merely about them not hearing us; it’s also about how it alters … Read more

Tips For Preventing Obesity In Senior Dogs

Obese senior dog - Golden Years Paws

Have you ever wondered if your furry companion is just a ‘cuddly’ senior, or if they might actually be tipping the scales into obesity? It’s a crucial distinction, because just like in humans, carrying extra weight can lead to a host of health issues for dogs. Obesity in senior dogs is basically excess body fat … Read more

Coping With Aggression Issues In Senior Dogs

Senior Dog Showing Aggression - Golden Years Paws

I’m going to talk about a phenomenon that might seem worrying for many pet owners: the onset of aggression in their senior dogs. It’s not a simple case of ‘old dog, new tricks‘ — it’s a complex shift that can be distressing both for the canine and for you as the owner. There are a … Read more

Feeding Tips For Senior Dogs With Dental Problems

Senior Dog at the Veterinarian Checking His teeth - Golden Years Paws

I’m going to share the scoop on why dental health is a big deal for your senior dog. It’s not just about keeping that tail-wagging grin looking good – it’s about their overall health. Dental problems in senior dogs, like plaque build-up, gum disease, and tooth loss, are pretty common. And these issues can lead … Read more

Low-impact Exercises For Senior Dogs

Senior Dog And Owner On a Walk - Golden Years Paws

As our canine companions grow older, their need for physical activity doesn’t just fade away. It remains a vital part of their well-being. Exercise helps keep the muscles toned, joints lubricated, and can improve digestive health, much like it does for us. But, it’s not only about physical benefits; staying active keeps their minds sharp … Read more